From the Jesus Revolution Retreat at Canção Nova:Chastity Is a True Yes to Love

Photo: Robson Siquiera/

In the history of humanity, Mary was the only one who completely opened herself for us. She gave herself completely to Him who reciprocated making her a channel of grace to permit that she conceived Jesus.

When Adam was alone in Paradise, God perceived that this was not good. The man saw all the animals and could not identify himself with any of them, for he felt that he lacked something.

Before the sadness of the man, God put him into a profound sleep and took from him one of his ribs. The symbolism of this attitude, guaranteed that men and women are equal in the dignity of children of God. Therefore, at the same time, they possess their differences that in the end are complementary.

From act, God created Eve and put her joined with Adam in order that he would no longer feel alone. Therefore he said that, from that moment, there existed someone that was flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone.

The document Vatican Council II, Gaudium et Spes, says that we are the only creature on the Earth that God loves as children, for all the other things exist to serve us and help us.

We are created not to serve whatever other creature, but to be signs of God Himself, for we need to encounter the Creator in our company and He in us.

Blessed John Paul II, in the Theology of the Body, speaks of  our existence as a gift of God, to which we are called to receive the divine creation as a gift. The part most beautiful is taht the person manifest these gifts of a different form, for the Lord knows that each thing that the world needs. Only we can be light, in this world, because we were created in the image and likeness of the Father.

Being thus, each one of us reveals God of a unique form, of a form taht He only can be manifested through you. It may be through your smile, you eyes or whatever other part of your body

Therefore, we cannot try to be another person, for we will never be, equal to that person, for it was not for that reason we were created by God. The same happens when we try to modify our body to another form. When we do this, our face, for example, it is no longer the same the gift of God cannot be manifested in its totality.

Before, original sin. Eve was saved from whatever malice of looking upon Adam. this happened because she still had the desire for God, the human body inspired admiration, desire and self-giving.

The true definition of love is the giving of the best that you can for  someone.  And when this happens in a relationship, full giving happens, for both desire the best for  the other. And it is not a coincidence that this is the same desire that God has for all of us.

True love of someone, on the contrary of what we image, has a price in itself. More than monetary value or declarations of love, the price is that the peson can pay in love is a complete and free giving of whatever interest.

Which do you prefer: Sex as a game or sex as a representation of the true love that is the image and likeness of God?

Blessed John Paul II tells us that the true interest of love is to discern if the other person makes us happy and completes us. If, for some motive, the relationship does not work, there  is not a problem, because the experience should make you to be a better person for someone that will still come.

The first question that we should makes to ourselves is not if the person possess the best smile, the best body of the world, but if one will be a good spouse, a good parent and principalmente if our love will bring us to God.

Evan Lemoine

translated from Portuguese