A Body for Loving

Photo: Robson Siquiera/cancaonova.com

God is an explosion love, because He gives of Himself completely, and the Son received all love from the Father and returns it. Then the Father receiveds this love that comes from the Son. It is an exchange so strong, that it transforms one into another person: The Holy Spirit. the love between the Father and the Son is the Holy Spirit.

The Father then says: “Let’s create someone that can live what we live? Creating someone that also can be an explosion of love?” Therefore, He created us.

We need to be free to be capable of loving. We learn from the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) that we are the image and likeness of God and therefore we love. But Pope John Paul II says that we are not only created to the image and likeness of the Lord because of our reason and freedom, but also because of our body.

Our body is not an obstacle to our holiness. Some persons say: It will be so easy to be a holy if I did not have this body, if I did not have all these desires, if I did not want to experience, to feel!”

God created the angels, and they do not have a body, they do not have masculine nor feminine sexuality, they cannot reproduce. The Lord created us to His image and likeness, we appear much more like Him than whatever other creature exists. Therefore, the demon hates us, for we take his place in Heaven.

The enemy understands the plan of God, he saw that the Lord would raise us and put us at His side. And the devil said: “Hey, and me?” It is for this that he hates the Virgin Mary and each one of us because he does not accept that we may be similar to the Father.

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"The body reveals to us that God is Love" says Evan Lemoine/Photo Robson Siquiera cancaonova.com

At times we may thing like this: “The body is bad, it belongs to the enemy. The spirit is good, but the body is bad.” We are mistaken. Every person is a mystery a universe itself. And the only way we may know the mystery of the body is through it itself, for this reveals the mystery of a person. We do not need to look like each other, because God created each one of us and He loves us, therefore He made us beautiful. The body reveals our interior mystery, completely and shows us also something better. The body reveals to us who God is.

We learn from the Lord in the Scriptures, in the Church, in the liturgy, but now, we learn that we can know Him through the body, because all in creation reveals something about Him. The mountains reveal that God is great, He is marvelous, powerful. And what does the sun reveal about Him? That He is beautiful, He is an artist. And the ocean, what does it reveal about the Creator? that He is mysterious, great, vast, profound.

In the book of Genesis, we read: “He created all these things and said: ‘This is good!’ Every day, he looked at His creation and said that it was “good”. Except when He created man. In this moment the Lord said: “It is not good that the man is alone.” We are not created to be alone, but to live in communion.

God created us in order that we may live this exchange of love that gives life. To give and to receive, to give and to receive… Therefore, He created us man and woman, male and female. We complement each other, therefore, we can be united.

When men and women have a sexual relationship, they can give life. The Lord gives to us the gift of creating a new person. He cannot create another human being without our permission. all creatures reproduce, but God goes to each couple that has the sacrament of marriage and He asks them: “Do you want to create a new creature with me?”

The body of a man makes no sense by itself, still as the body of a woman also makes no sense alone. The body of a woman reveal her vocation to be wife, to be mother, because her body gives milk,  is it not to feed her child? Her whole body reveals her call to marriage and to motherhood.

We cannot have true communion with another if we do not give 100% of ourselves to the other. Photo Robson Siquiera/cancaonova.com

The body of the man reveals his call to be father and husband. This also applies itself to sisters and nuns  because they are the spouses of Christ, therefore, they are called to be spiritual mothers. Also the priests are called to be husbands of the Church, therefore, they are called to be [spiritual] parents because they communicate the fatherhood with God.

The hopefilled, Pope John Paul II said that we reveal individually who God is, but in the communion with people, we may reveal Him even more, because He is not individual. the Lord is a communion of person, an explosion of the exchange of love that gives life.

In the book ‘Love and responsibility’ the then Cardinal Karol Wojtyla [Pope John Paul II] said that ” our sexual desire are the first work to construct love. The strength that is inside  of us, we can channel it to love as God loves.”

Some persons think that the Lord committed a mistake when he create us, therefore they say: “Oops! He put too many hormones here.” No, No it was not an error. God put fire inside of  you, a seed of giving of yourself, joining yourself to another person, If we did not have sexual desires, we would be able to remain in the house all day and play video games, but it is our desire that impels us to give and to join our life to the life of another.

Thanks to God we have this fire inside of us! But we cannot allow that it burns without control; we need to learn to channel all our desires in order that they may drive us to union. There is a natural force inside of men and of women that pushes us to be a gift and to enter in communion of giving life. Therefore we have sexual desires.

There are two weddings in the Bible that are as a model of all Scripture. In the beginning, in Genesis, there is the union of Adam and Eve. In the Book of Revelation, there is the marriage between Christ and the Church.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, “God reveals His most profound secret: He by Himself alone, is an eternal communication of love.” He created us and destines us to enter into this communion. The Holy Trinity–Father, Son and Holy Spirit–created this first marriage between Adam and Eve as a sign of our eternal vocation of union with God. The marriage with Him in our religious, makes sense, because it responds to our necessity of loving and being loves.

We need to learn to live our vocation in the marriage and in celibate life. We need to learn with Christ who loves the Church. Marriage teaches us who God  is and for why we are called. The move between Jesus and the Church reveals to us how we should see our vocation here on Earth.

There is a verse in the whole bible that Pope John Paul II says is a resume of all faith, which reveals to us who God is and who we are. This phrase is in the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians 5:31-32: “For this reason, man should leave his father and mother and join to his wife and they will become on flesh.” This is a great mystery, and he spoke this with reference to union of Christ as Church. This verse is saying to us that the union between the man and the woman is a sign, a sacrament of love between Jesus and the Holy Church.

We are called to live the happiness of communion between people, we are called through our vocation, to love, to reach eternal communion with God.

We cannot have a true communion with the other is we do not give ourselves 100% for him. The other also need to receive. The other also needs to receive 100% of this love and still gives of himself completely. It is a cycle: to give and to receive, to give and to receive… However, if this does not happen, in the time of joining together, they divide themselves in selfishness, closing themselves, isolating themselves. Then we need to give ourselves to be able to be in communion with the Trinity.

We were not created to be selfish, then, all the desires that we have should be channeled in order that they drive us to a communion of total, exclusive love. You want love like this?

We cannot be completely of someone and also give ourselves to other persons. The demon drives us to isolation, selfishness; hell is eternal loneliness. In sin you can live a little hell on earth through the lust of selfishness

And whom are you going to believe? In a God who created your heart, the desires, or in the enemy who hates or wants to destroy your happiness? Think of this!

Evan Lemoine

Translated from the Portuguese adaptation of Evan’s talk, spoken live in English, at Revolução Jesus