2012 Review, From April: We Are Called to Live the Resurrection of Jesus in Communion with God

In the traditions of the first communities, they circulated 2 types of texts on the Resurrection of Christ: some relative to finding the empty tomb and others related to the Apparitions of the Resurrected One. In Mark, we enter only the tradition of the empty tomb. The other evangelists combine themselves to collect texts taken from the two traditions. In the Gospel of John, we have the narrative of the encounter of the empty tomb. In continuation, this Gospel presents the narratives of the apparitions. The tradition of the empty tomb sustains the faith in the Resurrected One without seeing Him.

We need to make another look on what Jesus said to the disciples in the Last Supper. He already communicated to the disciples in an expressive manner, His peace, now, in the condition of the Resurrected One, He renews it. Jesus appears among the disciples reunited, announcing to them the peace showing them his wounds.

The first testimony of the fulfillment of these words was Mary Magdalene when she arrived at the tomb. She saw the stone, that closed Him, removed and thought that they robbed His body. She communicated this fact to Peter and to the disciple that Jesus loves. This disciple is more agile than Peter and brings himself to the tomb, then in consideration to him, allows him to enter first.

The linens that had covered the head of Jesus was rolled up in a place apart. The disciple that Jesus loves saw and believed in the living presence of the Lord. Until then, they had not understood that He would resurrect.

In yesterday’s Gospel, the disciples were behind closed doors for fear of the Jews. This detail expresses the situation of the community of John – excluded by the Jews –, who also denounced the Christians to the Romans. Therefore, the presence of the Resurrected one frees this community from fear and brings them joy. The “showing of wounds” in the hands and in the side is the confirmation of the identification of the Resurrected with Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified. Now, as announced in the farewell discourse, Jesus communicates to the disciples the Spirit, breathing over them.

The disciples are sent on mission, with the comfort of the Spirit. Their communities, that live in communion and share – moved by faith in Jesus – are responsible for the practice of mercy in welcoming the excluded as sinners and all those that feel attracted by Jesus. At the beginning of the experience of Thomas, Jesus proclaims the blessed of the faith. He begins the time of  blessed who had not seen and believed.

Christ resurrected continues present among His disciples. He is the same Jesus of Nazareth, Son of God incarnated that all communicated eternity and divine life. The first communities are conscience that through baptism, already they lived as the Resurrected, this is in union with Jesus in His eternity and divinity

Commit yourself to day, as a living project of Jesus –  in justice, in love and in sharing – is to live the Resurrection in communion with the Eternal God.

Father Bantu Mendonça
Fr. Bantu Mendonça Katchipwi Sayla is a priest for the Diocese of Tubarão, Angola

translated from Portuguese