That No One Be Lost!

The word “law” is not well translated, because the Hebraic is a language different than ours. It is a culture so different that we do not encounter in our language a similar word. When we see “law” written, we think in orders and commandments, but it is much more than this, is “Torah”, or the way of life that God gives us to live. The Bible also has orders and commandments, but the greater part shows us the way of life that God wants that we may live, principally in the New Testament – The Gospel and the Letters to the Apostles.

We need to know what God want for us. Our sadness is great because in todays’ times, the world is walking the opposite way of the life that God wants for us.

Already, it is time to say: ‘Come, Lord Jesus’, that no one may be lost. We want that God stretches the time of mercy. We ourselves are consequences of the time in which He is pouring our grace and mercy. God is with arms and heart open to receive us.

With all there are many persons near us that are distant from Him, and the Lord wants to save them also, but which of us want this. Even more work that a person gives us, Jesus wants to recuperate them. He, the Son of God, leaves Heaven and is made a human creature, going even to death, the death on a cross, to save all. The Great Pope John Paul II said approach all answers in love. Therefore, if we were to save our brothers, we are going to love them. Love saves, heals and frees.

God bless you!

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese