Banish Suspicion and Replace It with Trust

All of us trust in someone; always we have some person or friend on whom we count and with whom we share the most adverse things of our life, without fear of being judged, criticized and condemned, because we know that we are going to be welcomed. It is this that makes us trust in someone.

When we perceive that we are understood in our history, we open our heart without reservation and without mistrust. It is beautiful to know that we have a God that loves us passionately and that knows us as we are in fact. The Lord gave his whole life to rescue us and loves us to the end.

Without any fear, with great confidence in the mercy of God and pouring out all our lives in Him, we cast out all our worries, our fatigue and our burdens, because it is Jesus Himself who calls us: “Come to me you who are afflicted and under burden and I will alleviate you.” (cf Mt 11:28)

We pray all day long: Jesus I trust in You!

Luzia Santiago.

translated from Portuguese