The Official Agenda of Pope Francis This Week

Mirticeli Medeiros

Special from Rome

“Habemus Papam”. The news so hoped for that arrived on Wednesday night at 7:07pm (2:07 New York Time) was given by the Cardinal Protodeacon Jean Louis Tauran. The Cardinal Jorge Bergogolio now is Pope Francis.

Later after the announcement, the spokesman for the Vatican, Fr. Federico Lombardi, announced the official Agenda of the Holy Father.

Today at 11:00 am (6:00 am in New York) he will meet with the Cardinals.

On Saturday, tomorrow, The Pope receives the credentials of the journalists at the Vatican that participated in the coverage of the Conclave. the following day, Sunday, 17, will be his first Angelus. On Tuesday, 19, he celebrates his first Mass in St. Peter’s Square at 9:30 am (4:30 am in New York).

On the election of the Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, the now Pope Francis, Fr. Lombardi said: “I see this as a call to service; resulted from a strong call and not a seeking of power, of authority. We have a Pope that wants to serve.”, he stressed.

translated from Portuguese