2012 Review, From Leap Day: I Am Not Playing with Danger

In the fight for holiness, one cannot fool with danger. The signs in our conscience scream of the danger that bring us to fall. I cannot run the risk of drowning in the temptations of this world.

Some signs say “rough water sign of danger.” My brothers and sisters, the sea is beautiful, but it is  treacherous. When we go to the beach it is marvelous to swim in the sea, but we need to be attentive, because the current is going to push us out to sea without us knowing. And when we notice, the water already is up to our necks and we cannot return to shore. Thus many drown.

The world is like this, we should be in it, living well in it. But always attentive that it does not push us to the bottom and give us nothing to return to a secure place, drowning in the passing things the world offers us.

Therefore,” rough water is a sign of danger” be vigilant and pray that you do not fall into temptation.

Ademir Costa

translated from Portuguese

NB: Ademir Costa writes from Brazil where the season is now summer.