The Original Face of the Children of God

All of us are in restoration. The world of sin that deforms us. Do not marvel at your situation, nor be deceived. Do not be deceived that even having lived so many errors in the past, now because you are of the Lord, all is already resolved. It is resolved, yes, because Jesus already pardoned us and we receive the seeds of a new creature. But there is still more to be restored in each one of us.

We are in restoration from those accidents of our journeys that just left the body and the face deformed. We need to pass through successive plastic surgeries in order to be resolved. We are in this situation. You are in this situation. Do not stop, do not be discouraged. Do not look at the actual situation, look toward that which God wants to do in you. He wants to develop your face to that of a child of God.

Maria is there to do this “plastic surgery” in all of us and develop us to the integrity of our humanity and of a mother of God. The Lord wants that we return to integrity, this is how we will be when we are touched by His heart.

Our Lady, who is and was always virgin, before, during and after giving birth, can return us to integrity of the man and of the woman to each one of us. She received, from God, this grace. She is the mother that is realizing this beautiful work. Returning us to the original face of the children of God.
God Bless You!
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese