2012 Review, From March: I Was Good at Soccer

How it is good to have a past to remember and friends to share the unforgettable moments.

From 1978 to 1989 I played soccer in my city, Pindamonhangaba. I made a lot of friends and to today we correspond to each other and once per year we meet in a soccer match. We begin with a mass, afterwards the game and later a barbecue.

You can ask yourself, why am I speaking of this, and I answer you! It is because even in our spiritual journey we are as we are, we also need values so good and common that also they make the difference in  the formation of our character. Cultivating the good and old friendships for example, even that they may not be of your culture and or religion, but they are person that are part of your life.

I remember my friends from infancy and youth with such love and care that it comes to be a prayer. I know that all of them one day also will have their personal encounter with God and then they will come to share with me this experience. I anxiously await this.

Cultivate friends in the present, but, do not forget the friends from the past, they exist and need you!!!!!!!!!!

A big hug,

translated from Portuguese