Heart of a Child

The great bold ones are always the children. They surprise us with their questions, with their answers and with their actions. The Lord Himself goes to tell us that to enter the Reign of Heaven, we need to be like the children.

Being children we will not have  hurts; the children quickly forget what they dislike to return to the habitual amusements. Therefore, with this abandon, you will not have to worry yourself, for you will rest in the Father.

There are many persons that live constantly stressed, because they lose the simplicity of children. They may not want to be great. Child, child always, though dying of old age.

When a child trips and falls, no one thinks it is strange. His father rushes to pick him up. Our daily experience is filled with trips and falls. What will become come of us if we are not becoming each time more like a child. We do not want to be great, but boys and girls in order that when we fall, the hand of God our Father raises us.” (Blessed José Maria Escrivá).

We ask Jesus today for the grace to have the heart of a child.

Luzia Santiago

translated from Portuguese