What Is It to Be Just?

Today in my bible study I was impacted by this passage. I already had read it various times, but today it fell in a different form into my heart and it made a question spring forth: “What is it to be just?”

The first step was to recognize who is just, that is because of Jesus, that position was conferred by Him upon us, by His gift of the cross.
Through justification, freely the grace of God pardons us our sins and accepts us as just before him only by the cause of the Justice of Christ that we receive through faith.
“If by offense of one and through one alone death reigns, much more do we receive the abundance of grace and the gift of justice that will reign in life through only know, to know, Jesus Christ.” cf Romans 5:17
God chose to justify us. He did not need to do it, but he chose to do it. When someone finds himself with Christ and decides to give his life to Him, he is reconciled with Him and thus He is glorified.
But Jesus brought upon himself all our sins to the cross on Calvary, he declared us free and justified, therefore to be just is to render our life as an offering of praise to God through glorifying His Name or maybe to be separated by God and live in a way consistent with this gift.
God bless you,
Ana Lucia
translated from Portuguese