God Wants to Renew this World

God needs thousands of persons filled with the Holy Spirit, in every place, because this is the only way our people can be transformed: from men and women filled with the Holy Spirit, growing each time in the grace of baptism.

Those that will receive the Holy Spirit, take seriously this grace. God wants to renew this nation, he wants healing to happen, miracles and wonders, he wants preaching of His Word. He wants to transform people.

It is urgent because the Lord is near! Let us strive to know the Lord: His arriving is certain as the dawn. His coming is certain as the sun of the morning, then, strive to know the Lord (cf Hosea 6:3)

There is no other way of bringing Jesus to our brothers, bring them to conversion, a new life, saved through the Holy Spirit. There is no other way to changing families, the only way they can be really Christian families is only through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is the Secret!

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Founder of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese