Being Firm in Prayer

We have to begin in prayer, continue in prayer and end in prayer. When I am before a situation: “Lord, what am I going to do with my son or my daughter?” I am before an act, I have to give a response to my son, to my daughter… I don’t know how to teach my son, my daughter. In this point I ask to the Lord:

-“What do I do, Lord?”

and beginning doing this in prayer, asking to the Lord, presenting myself to Him. I have to surround that question in prayer, and I begin all praying and asking to the Lord, with all humility:

“I need, Lord, an answer.”

And this humility is the key to all. What traps us a lot is pride. We find that already we know all, we are capable of resolving all… then we may learn to begin all in humility saying:

– “Lord, I do not know what to do, I do not know which is the best road.”

After I ask in prayer and begin to hope for an answer in prayer. I am not going to wait for God to respond to me later. Many times, He is going to delay the answer and I patiently, continue praying, continue listening to God until a response arrives.
God Bless You!

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese