The Feelings of Jesus

In the agony, Jesus asked the Father that the chalice of suffering and death on the cross may be taken from Him.

“Going a little farther and prostrating himself on the ground, He prayed: My Father if it is possible take this chalice for me! Still may not be done what I want, but what you want.” (cf Mt 26:39)

He was feeling a great agony and His first reaction of freedom that He had with the Father was to ask Him to take from Him this chalice.

Jesus before all these situations went to pray to the Father, for there was an intimacy among them.

For the second time, Jesus asked that the chalice may pass from Him, but He was aware that He had to do the will of the Father.

“For a second time he prayed saying: “My Father, if it is not possible that this chalice pass without my drinking it, may you will be done!” Mt 26:42

After these moments of prayer, Jesus went to His disciples and it says soon to receive the betraying kiss of Judas.

“He returned to His disciples and said to them: “Sleep now and rest! The hour has arrived: The Son of Man is going to be handed over into the hands  of sinners. Get up, let’s go! The one who betrays me is near.” (cf Mt 26:45, 46)

(above, Image of the Basilica of the Agony, Betrayal of Judas. “The one who betrays me is near.” (cf Mt 26:46)

Jesus assumes this plan on salvation not only by obedience to the Father, but because He knew and Loved Him. It is where he assumed his mission, for He had an objective and a goal. He was born of the Virgin Mary and came to this world to save us, to give his body as the sacrificial lamb.

Even tired and anguished, Jesus went to pray, he did not rest, for He trusted  in the Father and knew Him.

It is through prayer that Jesus encountered strength, persistence and obedience even to the cross.

That His example may we be able to do that which is the will of the Father.

(Above, The stone of the Agony where the sweat of Jesus become drops of blood and fell to the ground. Luke 22:44)
Evangelizador Peregrino [Pilgrim Evangelizer]
translated from Portuguese