We Need to be Saints

The Lord can enumerate all that is done in our lives, the fact that we exist is a grace alone. Also the fact of us being made Christians is a proof of the marvels of the Lord. We ask pardon of the Lord for our laxity and mediocrity, we cannot be thus, simply thinking that the fact of being honest workers for a good family is sufficient.

“Pardon us, Lord for we are consecrated, we participate in prayer groups, but our life does not correspond to all of this. I repent, before the Lord, of my mediocrity of my laxity.” This also is an act of mercy.

Mercy is not only that He puts us in his lap, but also speaks firmly with us, putting before our eyes our brokenness and mediocrities.

We need to know that between Heaven and Hell there is no “middle ground” Many will say: “Lord, Lord!” and He will say: “I do not know you.” We preach, we do miracles in the name of Jesus and we have the charisms, but if our life does not correspond to all this, we are gong to the fires of Hell. . .

We ask that the Holy Spirit gives us the grace of being true saints.
God bless you!

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese