The Place of the New Communities

Meeting between the Lay Sector of the Episcopal Pastoral Commission for the Laity of the CNBB and the International Fraternity of New Communities

by Luciane Marins with Padre Roger Araújo

The relation  between the laity and the clergy, Vatican Council II and the dialog between the Lay Sector of the CNBB and the International Fraternity of New Communities, are themes of the conversation. The assessor explains that the Commission for the Laity considers the dialog with all Lay expressions existent in the Church to be important.

Padre Roger Araújo – Vatican Council II gave great emphasis in the participation of the laity in the church. The Commission for the Laity of the CNBB sees these movements as a response to Vatican Council II?

Geraldo Aguiar – We understand that all these expressions were strengthened or born from Vatican Council II, in their diversity, with their different charisms, some movements were born before the Council, but Vatican II with its inspiration with its force could retake the place of the laity in the life of the Church as an ecclesial subject and the Council then strengthened many initiatives and lay expressions and also raised many many new ones, as new communities.

This is an excerpt of an audio interview

translated from Portuguese