2400 Trained as Medical Help for RIO2013

2400 helpers and stretcher bearers are trained for WYD photo: rio2013

According to the supervisor general of the operation of the Red Cross in WYD, Tiago Quitaneiro, the volunteers will be divided in teams, each one under the coordination of an experienced helped of the Red Cross.

The training of the stretcher bearers and the helpers focus on the secure transportation of the pilgrim to the closest health station to guarantee they are attended to quickly. With classes in theory and practice, the volunteers are going to learn techniques of first aid, stopping bleeding and cardiac massage.

Health Central

In Campus Fidei, in Guaratiba, there will be approximately 3000 volunteers working in the health area. Quintaneiro explains that each lot will have at least one health post. In entrances to the Campus Fidei, organization posts of the event will be interspersed with post of the Red Cross.

“There will be 14 attending posts in the access posts at Guaratiba. The Posts of WYD, that will be at each 2.5 km (1.5 miles) will have two ambulances, doctors and volunteer nurses and hydration stations. And between them there will be Red Cross stations,” he said.

In the Central station in Copacabana and in Guaratiba, the volunteers and helpers will assist the medical attending of companies outsourced and contracted for  the event.

For the locals of the Catechesis and the Festival of Youth, there will be around 3,300 professionals. The health team of volunteers is formed by 295 diocesan doctors, 35 national doctors, 369 nurses, 200 technicians and nurse’s aids, beyond the 2,400 helpers.


translated from Portuguese