Cardinal Scherer: Evangelize Anew, Evangelize Always.

Brazil–In the months of May and June, diverse regions of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB) came together for their Annual Assemply of the Episcopal Regional Counsel. (CONSER). Actual themes are in the Agenda of the

Canção News: The Best Way to be Informed

Discussions presented to the Bishops of Brazil. The Bishops of the Southern Region1 (São Paulo) during the 76th Assembly the 10-12 of June treated the theme “Year of Faith – The Transmission of the Faith”. The adjunct subsecretary, Fr. Francisco de Assis Wlock, accompanied the works. The regional president, Cardinal Odilo Pedro Scherer presented findings in the document of the Church on faith and the New Evangelization. “We cannot Evangelization as something consumed, but it is necessary to evangelize anew, evangelize always.”, said the Cardinal.

Excerpt from a longer article from Canção Nova News.

translated from Portuguese