Prayer Moves Heaven

Still we do not pray sufficiently, therefore, we still do not touch every dimension of prayer that we need to touch. We still do not give this earth the quality of prayer of which humanity needs in order that the skies may open themselves and the grace of God may come; in order that the triumph of Jesus is realized and the gospel may touch all those in a way that their hearts may be transformed.

We do not arrive to this dimension of supernatural prayer in which it is not only us that pray: we give our voice, our heart, our mind and be turn our our soul and spirit in prayer, therefore, it is increased through the power of the Holy Spirit, from the presence of the angels and pray with us, united to the intercession of the Most Holy Virgin Mary: the prayer of power! Thus prayer rises to Heaven with the power of God Himself in order that the grace, the blessing and the Holy Spirit may come and the face of the Earth may be renewed, in order that the Church may resume her position and Jesus triumphs.

The Lord wants us to touch this quality of prayer!

God bless you!

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese