Canção Nova Reaffirms the Project of Prayer for Brazil

“All can be changed through prayer.” This inspiration of the founder of the Canção Nova Community, Monsignor Jonas Abib, guides the steps of Canção Nova and relaunches this week the project “Conquer Brazil”, created in 2006. The proposal consists in a prayer net for the necessary changes to happy for the development of the country (Brasil). In that year, also is an important sporting event (World Cup) and Brazil enters into an electoral period, with the election of various public positions.

Monsignor Jonas resumes the principles of “Brazil Wins” and invites all to prayer:

It is not through force, through power nor through violence that this work will be done, but through the Holy Spirit of God. I believe that if we and our whole country pray, the Lord will be merciful with us and will make our situation in which we live change our nation. The Brazilian is disappointed with politics and politicians. We need to recognize that the only way for there to be a necessary change, the way that God wants, is through prayer. We believe that all can be changed through it. It is only necessary that we be united and we pray for this intention at this moment.

If  it all is the “green and yellow” that covers Brazil, now Brazilianness will be made to gain, with brilliance, something that is urgent for us, for many things can change.

‘Brazil wins!’ for even that our nation may win, we will be able to proclaim that the true victory is not in soccer, but in the social political transformation of the country.

It is a victory that we need to win. The suggestion is that, each one gives, daily, a half an hour of prayer for  Brazil, and still other similar initiatives will be able to be done for the social political reality of the nation, for we have a country that thinks and goes to streets.

That each man and woman of good will enter this campaign, in order that each one, praying in their own way, needs to pray to God for Brazil. As we are accustomed to say: ‘God is Brazilian’ We do know of the kindness and appreciation that the Lord has for our country.”

translated from Portuguese