The Lord Needs to be In the Center of Our Dreams

My brothers and sisters, reflecting on the Word of Today, (Genesis 28:10-22)  the Lord raised five questions in my heart.

The first question, before Jacob’s dream, it is: You have dreamed? This is a simple question, but question yourself. You have dreamed or are you in a way too big and desperate and sad that you dream anymore? This morning, the Holy Spirit of God, who can do all, has the power of resurrecting all your dreams. Return to dream. Look above and seek the help of the Lord. You need to return to dreaming.

The second question that came to my heart is: With what have your dreamed? Of course all dream with good things, but will it be what you have dreamed is good too for the person at your side?

God, who plumbs hearts, knows if what you dream is good or not. And the fruits show if, in fact, your dreams are good. Then ask yourself, with what have you dream?

Now, comes the third question. If you found that dream and known with what you have dreamed, how do you feed this dream? In this hour the Lord enters, because many times, it is not the Lord who feeds your dreams but attachments and vanities.

Jacob dreamed his own dream, but this dream also was of God. The Lord needs to be in the center of our dreams. If we feed our dreams only with human efforts, we are not going to any place, but when we put our dreams in the hands of God, we begin to touch His wonders.

Abraham was prosperous  because God was  in all that he did. Prosperity is this, to allow the Lord to be in all so that we can reach happiness.

When does God feed our dreams—here comes the fourth question: Where is this dream, that is it being fed by something  or someone, was it God or not, who led you?

Jacob was there in Bethel, because he was fleeing. But after he had this dream, he went to the hours  of Laban to follow God’s dream. Ask yourself where your dream has led you.

The fifth question is the most important: What have you done with this dream?

For you that dream, you know the dream and that it has it been fed by God, you know that it is leading to the will of the Lord. But what have you done with your dream? As you living alienated from it or with your feet on the floor knowing that this life is a daily fight?

You that live PHN and left the old life, know that this is worth beginning. It is only letting go of what is bad, because now you need to take possession of what is good.

You need to seek the good and walk to the Father. Dream is this. Dream the dream of God for your life, put Him in your desires and these will take you back to Him. Say: “Today, I return to dream and I want the quality that  God may give to my dream.” Do not have a cowardly heart, but a courageous heart, ask the Holy Spirit for this courage and allow God to drive your dreams.

Alexandre Oliveira

Member of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese