Palestinian Youth Experience Canção Nova

Alessandra Borges,
from the newsroom

On the night of July 14th, 27 youth from Palestine arrived at the Canção Nova Community to participate in the Missionary Week of WYD Rio 2012 accompanied by a priest and a deacon.

After traveling more than 20 hours the youth were welcomed by missionaries of the community, they also shared with them a moment of prayer and praise. This initial encounter with the Palestinian youth was led by missionaries of the Canção Nova Community Adriano Gonçalves and Célia Maria Grego who helped  in the translation of this moment.

:: See this meeting

For Adriano, this first contact with youth of other nationalities meant that WYD had begun. For him, it is an enriching experience transmitting to these youth the essence of the Canção Nova Charisma and shared with them a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit.

“Speaking of the Word of God and leading moments of pray for youth of a completely different culture was challenging, but, when we open ourselves to the grace of God, He always exceeds us, asking of us a step in faith making us dive in to the joy of being disciples of Christ,. For me WYD already began!” Emphasized Adriano.

The youth Lutfi Assad of Jordan, chose to be one of the volunteers Journal, for he desires to live closer to this experience  with Jesus Christ.

“The WYD in Madrid changed my life. From then I have made a journey to be closer to Jesus. In this WYD, I will come as volunteer, because I believe that this will leave me closer to God serving my brothers.” Assad said.

For the Palestinian youth, this first contact with Brazilians principally with the charism of the community, a different feeling awoke in him in the moment all were praying.

“Something very different touched my heart deeply and for some minutes, I allowed myself to hear what the people were saying, because it was the moment in which I felt very close to God. I did not know what the persons around me were saying, but I was near Jesus and I spoke with Him in a real manner. I need to know better this feeling that today you could share with me.

:: Check out this video of this first encounter of the Palestinian youth with the Brazilian missionaries.