Pilgrims from Austria Pass Through Canção Nova

by Alessandra Borges
from the newsroom

On July 15th Canção Nova welcomed a group of foreign pilgrims from Austria. The came to meet the community and participate in the celebration of the Mass.

A group with 16 persons, accompanied by Fr. Sávio, who also is Austria, were hosteled in one of the welcoming families of the Missionary Week in Nova Iguaçu in Rio De Janeiro State. After this period of spirituality in the diocese they continued on for the city of Rio de Janeiro where they will participate in World Youth Day.

According to the priest, the pilgrims visited the country for the first time, and were anxious for  the beginning of WYD. Beyond participating in Missionary Week, the priest stressed that they were interested in learning another culture and thankful for the Brazilian hospitality that they received.

The Austrian youth, Katharina Ribisel, 23 years old, reinforced the words of the priest saying that she is immensely happy with the care that she is receiving from the family where she stayed. Visiting Canção Nova for the first time, she like a  lot of the music played during the celebration of the Holy Mass.

When we asked Katharina on her expectations for WYD, she stressed that she hoped to meet other youth that shared the same missionary spirit that WYD proposed.

I hope to have a very good experience, and without comparison, with Jesus. Also, I hope that the people that are away from the Church and from the faith can feel this spirit and draw more closer to Christ,” Katharina said.

translated  from Portuguese