New Communities and the CCR Will Meet During WYD


Jéssica Marçal, with André Alves
from the newsroom

The new communities and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) will participate on the 24th of July in an international encounter with the participation of the other realities and communities of consecrated life of the Charismatic expression. The event will be realized in Rio de Janeiro and expects to unite at least 10,000 persons have as backdrop World Youth Day (WYD) what will happed with the presence of Pope Francis.

The president of the National Council of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Kátia Roldi Zavaris, will be one of the speakers in the meeting. She related that the objective is to deepen the common bond of spirituality among the new communities and to the CCR: The baptism of the Holy Spirit. “We are going to celebrate this identity together. The principle is that the new communities would make this encounter and afterward there would be this desire of  inviting us,” she declared.

In the programming of the encounter, there are first moments of praise and adoration, then songs with national and international bands. Kátia is going to make a presentation on the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

She explained that life  is before and after an experience of this grace, also called the effusion of the Holy Spirit. “Or even,  it is to know that there is a God that lives in you and the directs your life through the Holy Spirit. (…) He is a God that you can cry out to in all moments and in all moments that He is present concretely.
WYD: Youth and the New Communities

On the decision of realizing the event during WYD, Kátia said that this was the fruit of desire, so many new communities of the CCR, do this with their identity, their way of being.

For Kátia this particular character of both segments is a point of contribution for the evangelization of youth. She stressed, in this sense, making the experience  with Jesus. “We have much to contribute with the evangelization of the youth from this experience that our spirituality has as I would say, ‘A flagship’, that is to make the experience with Jesus. And from this experience all absolutely changes.”

International Experiences.

The event is going to share contact with the experience of the new communities in the exterior. According to Kátia there are many similarities between what takes place both internationally and nationally,  in a way that the differences are arising from cultural aspects. And this contact with others brings a great learning, according to Kátia.

“Particularly, I find that one of the things that most makes us grow is this sharing of the difference between the cultures, between the customs and learning of the difference of the other. . . It  is very interresting that this difference becomes small when the people have something in common and when this something in common is  the only meaning and truth of  our lives, that is Jesus Christ.”

translated from portuguese