Pope Speaks to the Chemically Dependent

Kelen Galvan
from the newsroom

Pope Francis affirmed that it is necessary to  confront the problems that are in the root of drug use.

After the visit to the Shrine of Aparecida, this Wednesday, Pope Francis returned to Rio de Janeiro to inaugurate a care center for the chemically dependent at the Hospital of St. Francis of Assisi of the Providence of God. The place will initiate care to the  at the end of the month with 40 beds. The number should increase until the end of the year.

A multitude kept the Holy Father in the Hospital and the Pontiff made sure to greet all. Employees, patients of the hospital could freely draw close to the Pope, greeting him and he stopped to speak with various person as he walked on the stage installed in the place for the opening ceremony.

The Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, Archbishop, Orani João Tempesta, greeted the Pope and spoke on the work that will happen through the Polo de Atenção Integral à Saúde Mental (P.A.I.). [Place of Integral Attention to Mental Health]

Afterward, two recuperating spoke of their experience with drugs and the ways they seek to overcome the vice. The Holy Father listened to each story attentively, embracing them afterwards.


Afterwards, Pople Francis spoke in which he stressed that there are many situations in Brazil and in the world that demand attention, care and love, such as the fight against chemical dependence. “The wound of drug traffic that favors violence and sows death, demands of the entire society an act of courage,” he stressed.

The Pontiff affirmed that to what is discussed in various parts of Latin America, the use of drugs is not releasing the use of the drugs that to be able to “reduce the spread and influence of chemical dependence.”

papa_hospital5According to him, “It is necessary to confront the problems that are at the root of the use  of drugs, promoting a major injustice, educating the youth for the values the construct the common life, accompanying whomever is in difficulty and giving hope in the future. We need all to look to the other with eyes of the love of Christ, to learn to embrace whomever is  in need, to express solidarity affection and love.

However, the Pope stressed, “Embrace is  not sufficient.” “We extend the hand to whomever lives in difficulty, to whomever falls into the darkness of dependence, perhaps without knowing how and saying to them “You can get up, you can arise; it is demanding, but it is possible if you want it.”

And speaking to the youth in treatment, The Pope said: “Dear friends, I would like to say to each one of you, that overall that so many other persons that still do not have the courage of beginning the same road as you: You are the protagonist of the climb; this is the precondition! You will encounter the extended hand of whomever you want to help,  but no  one can do the climb in your place. But you are never alone!”

"Não deixem que lhes roubem a esperança!"Pope Francis oriented the youth to look forward with confidence. “The road is long and tiring, but look forward, “a certain future  that is put into a different perspective relative to the illusory proposals  of the idols ofthe world, but that give a new impulse and new strength to live every day exists. To you all I want to repeat: Do not allow them to rob your hope! But I say also: Let us not rob hope, but one the contrary let us  all become the porters of  hope.”

The place of attending will be a great contribution to the city of Rio de Janeiro, where more than 600 thousand chemically dependent live and only 20 beds are available for care. Actually Brazil has two million chemically dependent, 50% in the Southeast region.

After the inauguration, Francis, returned to the official residence where he is staying in Rio de Janeiro.


translated from Portuguese