Theme of the Last Day of WYD Catechesis:Being Disciple Sent by Jesus

inJéssica Marçal
Special from Rio de Janeiro

Cardeal Angelo Bagnasco fala aos jovens sobre missionariedadeCardinal Angelo Bagnasco leads catechesis for Italian youth on the morning of July 26 Photo: Robson Siqueira-CN

To be a disciple sent by Jesus. This was the theme of the third day of catechesis during the World Youth Day Friday, July 26. The Archbishop of Genoa, Italy, and president of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, presided over the moment of reflection with Italian youth in the Shrine of Nossa Senhora das Graças [Our Lady of Graces] in Tijuca, Brazil.

The Cardinal stressed that all are called to see Jesus, to be sent, to be disciple and to touch Jesus, but touching Him with the arms of the heart. “If we discover the joy of Jesus, we cannot be afraid of this joy. This mission.”

Reflecting on the origins of the missionary, one of the factors cited by the cardinal was compassion. He cited in this point, the parable of the Good Samaritan, stressing that all can be the good samaritan or the perosn who needs help. “We can be good samaritans, curing spiritual wounds and announcing the Gospel.”

And the testimony is  one of forms of realizing this mission, explained the archbishop. “Witnessing with our life what Jesus is for us, witnessing this joy.” Going further, he spoke of the need of announcing the Good News of the Gospel. And to know what one should announce, the key word, according to the archbishop is ‘study’: study the Word, The Social Doctrine of the Church, for example.

The catechesis was partof the programming of WYD. In these encounters, youth came together in parishes and schools for a moment of prayer and formation.For Cardinal Bagnasco, these enounters helped to make the faith grow, in reflection and in prayer.

Cardeal Angelo Bagnasco fala aos jovens sobre missionariedadeYouth listen attentively to the catechesis with Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco – Photo: Robson Siqueira-CN

Youth in contact with the Pope

Youth of the entire world have demonstrated happiness with Pope Francis at WYD, with his closeness and simplicity. In the interview with Canção Nova, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco said that the youth can learn the Love of Jesus with Francis, that is mercy and joy,  and the Church that is the body of Christ, the family of the children of God.

There is a great joy in the youth in living the experience of the Pilgrimage and surely bringing this joy to the communities. The encounter with the Pope is always very emotional because all see in the person of the Holy Father the Vicar of Christ and to have him near, hearing his word directly confirms the faith and supports the joy of belonging to the Church.”


translated from Portuguese