Vatican II Council and the Post Conciliar Reforms

The Post-Council understands 2 great periods. The first decade, effervescent, full of realizations; the second of major accommodation and, at times, apathetic.

On the 4th of December, 1963, exactly four hundred years after the close of the Council of Trent, Pope Paul VI promulgated the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium. Later after promulgating the Liturgical Constitution of Vatican II, Paul VI, decided that he needed to begin the application the fastest way possible.

The reform came with great ardor and with strong enthusiasm, over all in the beginning. The work of revision, directed by a series of three documents, had three phases: 1) the passage from Latin to modern languages, this phase was from 1964 to 1967; 2) the publication of revised liturgical books “according to the decrees of Vatican Council II” that was from 1968 to 1975; 3) the adaption of liturgical books to the circumstances of the particular Churches. Pope John Paul II, 25 years after the beginning of the reform, qualifies as the most visible fruit of the conciliar work.

In the period of adaptation of the liturgy in the answer of particular churches is proposed with much insistence the theme of inculturation. With this the Congregation for the Divine Cult and Discipline of the Saints observed the need of the creation of an instruction to apply to the articles 37-40 to the constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium, presenting basic criteria and the way or proceeding in this material. This instruction was published on the 25th of January 1994.


BOROBIO, Dionisio. A Celebração na Igreja. V 1. Edições Loyola: São Paulo, 1990

MARTÍN, Julián López. A Liturgia da Igreja. Paulinas: São Paulo, 2006

Leandro Coutro
translated from portuguese