Nothing Fails Us When We Have Faith

Nothing fails us when we have faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ. We pass through difficulties, tribulations and so many other situations proper to human life, but in the Lord, we have all, because He is the font  of all good and all grace. If we want to live happy days, we may be dutiful to God and we may proceed righteously, because in this way we attract the divine blessing on us. “All men that procedes correctly, I will show the salvation that comes from God.” (cf Ps 50:23) “Oh, that you may truly bless me and extend my boundaries! May your hand be with me and make me free of misfortune, without pain!”(1 Chronicles 4:10)

Prayer this prayer, during the day, asking protection and blessing from the Lord, When fear, sadness, anguish, anxiety and irritations come, pray and don’t stop knocking, because the Lord hears the voice of our supplication. We ask Jesus the grace of a heart obedient and docile to the Word of God.

Jesus, I trust in You!

Luzia Santiago

translated from Portuguese