The 40 Days Devotion to St. Michael the Archangel


The 40 days devotion of St. Michael the Archangel began with St Francis, who was devoted to the Archangel. St. Francis felt the desire to experience in body and soul the Passion of Christ, His pain and also the immense love to give himself over to suffering for us.

In 1224, the saint realized the first 40 days of fasting and prayer, on Mount Alverne, in the desert, for his own prayer. St. Francis said: “To honor God, the beatitude of the Virgin Mary and of St. Michael the Archangel, prince of angels and of souls, I want to make a 40 days devotion here.”

On the 17th of September, during his devotion, whenever he was in prayer, he had a vision of a seraphim, which later drew near. It had six wings of fire and also was crucified, feet and hands extended and tied to the cross. Two wings were elevated above his head, to others were open to fly and two others covered his body. And, in the middle of this vision, Francis could understand better the true sense of the Passion.

When the Feast in honor of St. Michael the Archangel arrived, Francis descended Mount Alverne, bringing in his hands and feet the stigmata of Jesus. As he found himself unworthy of becoming equal to Christ, he remained in total fasting, on the last of these days and he drank water and ate a piece of bread.

It is important to remember that the devotion can be realized beginning any date of the year, August and September being a special moment. That you may be able to join with your family, friends, girl/boyfriends to pray for the intentions that you bring in your heart.

“The angels exist, they are sent by Divine Providence in order that they may help us to reach holiness of life.” (John Paul II)

In Canção Nova the 40 days devotion is happening now daily between the days of August 15 and September 29 the Feast of St. Michael.

Build an altar to St Michael with an image or picture.

Every Day:

Light a blessed Candle

Offer a penance

Make the sign of the cross

Pray the first prayer

Pray the Litany of St. Michael

Prayer of St. Michael

St. Michael Archangel, protect us in battle, cover us with your shield against the the wiles and snares of the devil. Subdue him, God instantly we ask you, and you of Prince of the celestial army, through divine power, cast into Hell Satan and the other evil spirits that walk through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Litany of St Michael

Lord, have mercy on us!
Jesus Christ have mercy on us!
Lord, have mercy on us!

Jesus Christ, hear us!
Jesus Christ, help us
Celestial Father, that you are God,

Have mercy on us!
Son, Redeemer of the world, you are God, have mercy on us
Holy Spirit, who is God, have mercy on us!
Holy Mary, Queen of Angels, pray for us!

St. Michael, pray for us
St. Michael, filled with grace from God, pray for us
St. Michael, Perfect adorer of the Divine Word,
St. Michael, crown of honor and of glory
St. Michael, powerful Prince of the Lord’s army
St. Michael, standard bearer of the Holy Trinity,
St. Michael, guardian of paradise,
St. Michael, guide and consoler of the people of Israel
St. Michael, Splendor and strength of the Church militant,
St. Michael, honor and joy of the Church triumphant,
St. Michael, light of angels,
St. Michael, bulwark of Christians,
St. Michael, strength of those that combat for the standard of the Cross,
St. Michael, light and confidence of souls in the ultimate moment of life,
St. Michael, certain help,
St. Michael, our help in all adversities,
St. Michael, Herald of the eternity.
St. Michael, consoler of the souls that are in Purgatory.
St. Michael, whom the Lord entrusted to receive the souls after death,
St. Michael, Our prince,
St. Michael, our advocate, pray for us!
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, pardon us, Lord!
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, attend us, Lord!
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.
Christ hear us!
Christ attend us!

V: Pray for us, O Glorious St. Michael, Prince of the Church of Christ!
R. In order that we may be worth of His promises. Amen.


Lord Jesus, sanctify-us, through a blessing always new, and grant us, through the intercession of St Michael, the wisdom that teaches us to lay up riches of Heaven, and to exchange the goods of time for those of eternity, you that live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.

translated from Portuguese