We Have Heaven As Our Goal

Fr. Bruno Photo: Maria Andrea/cancaonova.com

The house that we need should be God’s dwelling. We should affirm that we need to be a place of prayer, as temples of the Holy Spirit, to be a place of prayer. As family, we know that He Himself wants a family, and it is, therefore, that the family is being so attacked by the world. Brothers and Sisters, we need to be families that desire Heaven!

The parable in the Gospel, reminds us of the person that sold all that he had for that pearl, it asks you, what you have done to desire Heaven. We cannot live in make-believe, may we life for eternity. How is your desire for Heaven?

We ask the Lord, that He will not take from us the desire of Heaven, and that we do not treat it as an easy fight, for it is an arduous struggle. May we be as warriors, dressed in the power of God, let us fight for where we were made to be. Already we have the victory through the death and resurrection of Christ, but only if we fight against the things of the world will we reach the fullness of Heaven.

We are in this world as a form of passage, and the “being” is a form of passengers “we are” made for Heaven. “You are the light of the world”, that is our mission, we should walk a road of holiness. Have you imagined yourself as a saint? This is not pretense, but to assume our vocation” to be saints!

"All promises pass through the test of time", Fr. Bruno said. photo: Maria Andrea/cancaonova.com

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You have reserved moments in your life for personal perayer? It is prayer that gives us courage to confront the difficulties that are presented to us every day. We need to believe what we pray: “I can do all in Him who strengthens me.” What determines seeking Heaven is the desire to go there, but also to bring those that are with us to the same desire.

Não se deixe levar pelas tribulações deste mundo tenebroso, e como vencer? Sendo homens e mulheres que lutam pelo Céu. Todos nós passamos por dificuldades, mas coloque no Senhor a sua confiança. Levantemos um povo que acredita em Deus e que coloca prática os seus preceitos.

Do not be fooled by the tribulations of this world of darkness. How do we win? Being men and women that fight for Heaven. All of us go through difficulties, but put your confidence in the Lord.

Even in the midst of tribulations, we trust in the Lord and put our hands in His, He is the same yesterday, today and always. If He still has not done what you ask, know that He is not delaying His answer, but He is perfecting the promise that He has for your life. Remember that each promise passes through the test of time. If the Lord promised to you, He will fulfill it. The devil wants unbelieving families. Assume, therefore, a new time in your life with the desire for holiness.

My brother and my sister, it is not easy to enter into Heaven, but arriving there depends on me and you. It only depends on your disposition and discipline to arrive there. Drop everything and take up your prime vocation which is holiness.

Fr. Bruno

translated from Portuguese

Portuguese transcription and adaptation: Luana Oliveira