The Mission of Canção Nova

The Mission of Canção Nova in the media of communication began with a great challenge that was launched through Pope Paul VI in his 1975 pontifical document Evangelii Nuntiandi.

Canção Nova is a Catholic Community that has as it principle objective “evangelization through the media of communication”: TV, Radio, Internet and also through products from the audiovisual department — DAVI, in the production and sale of books, CD’s, videos, among other materials which are all designed for evangelization.

The Canção Nova System is mantained by the Fundação João Paulo II [John Paul II Foundation] — a non-profit foundation which is a source of donations from the members of Clube da Evangelização [Evangelization Club] being characterized as a work that exists through “Divine Providence”

Canção Nova seeks to restore the dignity of the family — “mother-cell” of society prioritizing the work of spiritual formation of “new men and women for a new world.”

Inaugurated on May 25th 1980,  Canção Nova Radio through the AM, FM, SW1, SW2 bands has evangelized through programming without commercial advertising, which strives in bringing listeners information, culture, education and spiritual formation through dynamic and varied programming.

We are family radio that desire to bring the proposal of a new life to the world.

On December 8, 1989, Canção Nova TV became a reality in Brazil, which actually counts on 5 production centers in the cities of Cachoeira Paulista-SP, Aracaju-SE, Rio de Janeiro-RJ e Brasília-DF. Canção Nova TV touches the entire national territory of Brazil with its signals through parabolic antennae, 127 cable TV operators and 396 re-transmitters. The TVCN signal can touch the American continent, Western Europe, North Africa and the Middle East through a system of satellites and cable  TV.

Without losing the original proposal of its inauguration and existence or even its evangelization, Canção Nova TV presents a programming where professionalism and creativity are fundamental.

The progress of this work also is feasible through interactivity between all its systems of communication. Accompanying the advances of technology, Canção Nova, recognizes the importance of the Internet as a great medium of communication which makes this interaction possible.

Perceiving the usefulness of this powerful tool that God gave us for evangelization, Canção Nova has applied itself in the fulfilling of this objective with loyalty.

The Canção Nova Portal —, which currently averages 11,000,000 monthly accesses has brought the “Word of God” through the Internet to all persons of the world.