Caritas Emphasizes that Dialog is the Only Solution for Syria

Canção Nova News with Vatican Radio

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The conflicts in Syria have aroused the attention and preoccupation of the world, especially in these last weeks when the conflict intensified. For Caritas International, this civil war in Syria only can be resolved in dialog peace negotiations.

This past Saturday, The president of the United States, Barack Obama, announced in a pronunciation at the White House that the country is ready for military action in Syria, but is going to wait for the endorsement of the American Congress that is in recess until the 9th of September. For the Secretary-General of Caritas, Frances’ Michel Roy, the Syrian people do not need more spilling of their blood, but rather an urgent end  of the conflict.

An immediate truce is needed. A military intervention from foreign powers is going to complicate the war and increase suffering.” In a statement Caritas recalls “The tragic consequences of military interventions in Iraq, Afganistan and in Libya.”

Caritas affirms that the supposed use of chemical weapons in Damascus is evidenced that a humanitarian situation is catastrophic for millions in Syria, it condemns all the attacks against the people, and makes a call. “The international community has the obligation to seek an end to the suffering of the Syrian people, and this can only be done through broad dialogue.”

In the field of war, Caritas Syria and others Church partners continue to provide humanitarian assistance to thousands of Syrian citizens and refugees without any ethnic discrimination, religious creed or politics.

In a statement, Archbishop Antoine Audo, Chaldean Archbishop of Aleppo and President of Caritas Syria voiced “the appeal of Pope Francisco for a genuine dialogue between the conflicting parties can be a first step to stop the fighting”

And before the situation, Pope Francis announced during the Angelus this past Sunday, that the 7th of September will be a day of fast and prayer for peace in Syria, in the Middle East and in all the world. The Holy Father stressed that the world needs gestures  of peace and  invites to the initiative not only Catholics, but people of other religions and all men and women of good will.

translated from Portuguese