Father of Family is Beatified in India

From the Newsroom, ACI and the Vatican

Sunday, September 1st, in India, the martyr Devasahayam Pillai  was beatified. He was assasinated in 1752, for converting from Hinduism to Catholicism. Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato presided at the ceremony in Kottar, in India.

Cardinal Amato qualified the witness of the new Blessed as a glorious page of the Church in India. “His conversion was for him, the beginning of a new life, filled with enthusiasm and joy. He converted to Christianity without taking into consideration the difference of casts, embracing all as beloved brothers.” he pointed out.

During the celebration, the Cardinal stressed that the story of the conversion of Devasahayam Pillai, brings to mind the martyrs of the early church. “Conquered by the world and through the figure of Jesus, his baptism was a true rebirth, but also a painful test.” he emphasized.

According to Cardinal Amato in India, the new beautified is the model of strength in faith and perseverance of testimony. “Our Beatified as lay  man and as father of a  family is also an extraordinary model of participation of the laity in the ministry of evangelization and  of Christian charity.” he concluded.

Pope Francis after the Sunday Angelus also spoke about the new Blessed: “Today, in Kottar, India, Devasahayam Pillai, has been beatified. He was a faithful layman who lived in the 18th century and died a martyr. Let us join in the joy of the Church in India and pray that the new Blessed may sustain the faith of the Christians of that large and noble country.” The Pontiff said

translated from Portuguese