United to the Pope, Canção Nova Dedicates Today as Day of Prayer and Fasting for Syria

In communion with Pope Francis, The Canção Nova Community dedicates today, the 7th of September to prayer and fasting for Peace in Syria. This request of the Pontiff will orient the Retreat “Who Like God” that will happen during this day in Cachoeira Paulista.

The cofounder of the Canção Nova, Luzia Santiago, stressed the importance of the gesture and attitude of Christians. “We welcome with much ardor this request of Our Pope Francis. We want so to cry to our God that who can do all for peace in Syria and in all the world. A Christian gesture of prayer and making sacrifice in help to all humanity.
.: Vigil with the Pope, will be transmitted at 1:00pm live on TV Canção Nova (Canção Nova TV is in Portuguese)

During the Angelus last Sunday, Sept 1, The Holy Father invited all Christians, Catholics and non-Catholics and members of other religions to unite in prayer for peace.

I decided to invite the whole Church, on the 7th of September, vigil of the Nativity of Mary, Queen of Peace, a day of fasting and of prayer for peace in Syria, in the Middle East, and in the whole world and invited also to unite in this initiative, in the method that they consider most opportune, brother Christians who are not Catholics, that that belong to other religions and men and women of good will.”

In all the world Christians, Hindus, Muslims manifested their accession to the appeal of Pope Francis. In Brazil, diverse parishes are mobilized for the Day of Prayer and Fasting.
Faith and music will return next week