Listening to the Lord is the Greatest Thing We Can Concede to Our Soul

Hearing the Lord is the greatest thing we can concede to our soul, our heart and our life.

“The multitudes came to hear Jesus and were healed of their pains and their illnesses” (cr Lk 6:18

Hearing the Lord is the best that we can concede to our soul, to our heart and to our life. When we stop to hear Him, our ears open themselves to hear the Word of live of transformation, what makes our existence good. Hearing Jesus is permitting His Word among us and made the grace of God happen.

Many times, we need a word, a word of direction and of hope, but, as St. Paul says to the Colossians, “We cannot seek this word in vain philosophies, in false doctrines that base themselves on human traditions.

Not in reading horoscopes, reading tarot cards, magic or whatever philosophy of this world are we going to encounter the word of consolation, of healing, of transformation that we need. It can be even that, because of anxiety that we seek to encounter a world that can guide us, we feel good when when listening to this or that person, but no one has the word of eternal who is not Jesus! No one can bring us these words that give full meaning to our life who is not Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; it is for this that these person stop to hear Him and were cured of their pains and infirmities.

That multitude, beyond hearing the Lord also sought to touch Him and each one of who touched Him felt a healing force leave from him  that gave them a new  breath, that brought transformation into their heart.

Beyond hearing Jesus, open your ears and your heart to hear His words, to meditate on them in the Gospel, in the Sacred Scripture. Permit yourself to be touched by Him, permit that the love of the Lord touch you, arrive in you and His touch makes all the difference in your life. His touch gives a new direction for those that are in need.

Today, where do you want to be that a touch of hope, a touch of love, a touch of faith may arrive in your heart. Permit yourself to be touched by the merciful power of Jesus Christ.

God bless you!

Fr. Roger Araujo

translated from Portuguese