In Aparecida, Brazil, Liturgical Objects of the Pope are on Display in the Museum

From the Newsroom with A12

Basílica AparecidaThe objects utilized by Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis during their visits to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida, will  be part of the collection of materials on exposition in the Museum of the Shrine. There are more than 20 pieces on exposition in the Museum that is in the Brasília Tower of the National Shrine and that tell a little of the story of the visits of each one of the Popes to the Basilica. Pope John Paul II was the first visitor to the Shrine, in 1980. Afterwards, Benedict XVI en 2007 and Francis in July of this year.

“The person are attracted not only by curiosity, but that they may be reminded of the emotional moments they lived in the Shrine in the presence of the pontiffs. There are still those that come because they could not or do not remember these important moments of the Catholic Church in Brazil.” said the co-ordinator of the Museum, Jonatas Veloso.

Our Lady of Aparecida Museum.

The Our Lady of Aparecida is a little more than 56 years old. It was inaugurated on the 8th of September 1956, with the blessing of Cardinal Carlos Carmelo de Vasconcelos Motta, first Archbishop of Arparecida. The museum is considered one of the two most visited in Brazil, receiving more than 300 thousand visits per year.

translated from Portuguese