New Techologies Help to Know the Bible, says Bishop

Liliane Borges
from the newsroom

(left) Dom Vilson Dias de Oliveira – Comissão Bíblico-Catequética CNBB/Sul 1 (file photo)

Brazil–Accessing the bible on your cellular, searching for biblical themes on the internet, participating in sacred forums of debate on the Sacred Scripture. These are technological advances that configured new habits and modes of knowing the Word of God. The net and the tools available today will create a propitious “space” to propagate the Gospel.

The document “Church and Internet”, from the Pontifical Council for Communications, affirmed that Catholics “should not be afraid of opening the doors of social communication to Christ, in which the Good News can be heard on the rooftops of the world” The document emphasized the vast reach of these media and their popularity.

A reality encouraged by the regional president of the Commission for the Animation of Biblical Catechetics of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB), Bishop Vilson Dias de Oliveira. “The new technologies (…) open doors in order that people may be able to grow in love for the Word of God.” The bishop believes that principally for the youth, these media stimulate. “I know innumerable youth that carry the bible, the Catechism of the Church in their smartphones.”

The young university student Gabrielle Sanchotene already has receive these items. “Generally, I carry the tablet or cellular wherever I go, and this makes possible that I use free time to be in contact with the Word of God.” Through the media of social networks, the youth is able to share what she learned in Biblical study, showing the interaction  and immediacy of new devices.

“The use of these media is irreversible and we must adapt to them,” affirms the priest from the Canção Nova Community, Fr. Arlon Christian. He “brings” the bible in his table, the catechism of the Catholic Church, books to study, beyond accessing the internet to search. Therefore he warn: “We have to dominate these devices and not allow them to dominate us, to distract us.”

This is the worry noted also by Bishop Wilsom. “In catechesis, for example, in the encounter with youth, I can use these applications to attact attention of the young people, but during a retreat will it be convenient? (…) to be human is to be easily distracted, to lose focus,” he explains.

The bishop comments on the use of the mobile devices during Mass. “I can have contact with the daily liturgy through my smartphone, but I should do this before going to Mass or later when I arrive to Church. In the moment in which Mass begins, my attention should be returned to that moment,” teaches Bishop Vilson.

The access to the bible shared through new media helps in the growth of the faith, the document “Igreja and Internet” points out, in as much they are used in the correct way. “Not before you have the best and not knowing how to drive, how to resolve having the best kitchen in the world the most equiped and not knowing how to cook. It is important that the person interested in knowing the Word best are tied to the community to the body of the Church, concludes Bishop Vilson

translated from Portuguese