Lino Rulli Begins Groundbreaking Blog Tour

Lino Rulli The Catholic Guy on the Archdiocese of New York’s The Catholic Channel on SiriusXM is beginning a ground breaking way to proclaim his new book Saint by using the Catholic blogging world in a blogging tour. He uses comedy to  invite people to participate in knowing Christ as a Catholic. One of the participating blogs is this one which gives us an opportunity not only to share Lino’s method of evangelization with the English speaking world, but also to introduce Lino to the Portuguese speaking world. I will be posting my direct thoughts on Lino on Sunday and we will be interviewing Lino for Faith and Music,  for this blog and sending the video of the interview to Brazil as well.

To see the full tour please click here. Meanwhile, we thank Lino Rulli for this opportunity to share his thoughts with the readers of