What Desire Moves Us Today?

We have many desires in our heart and many apparently, are good for us, but what we should aspire to is that the desire of the heart of Jesus is carried out in us.

When we have clarity of what God has for us, we become strong men and women, capable of making great decisions to love Jesus and to leave behind certain values that we may have are not authentic values.

The dream of God in respect to us that we may be holy as He is holy. This is a noble desire and makes it necessary that we nourish it in our heart. Perhaps we find that this is impossible for us; and that is true but for the Lord it is possible to make us saints.

“Be Holy, as your Heavenly Father is holy.” (Mt 5:48)

Lord, give us the grace to live in holiness this day.

Jesus, I trust in you!

translated from Portuguese