The Love of God in the Ten Commandments

Today’s word is Deuteronomy 6: 4-9

Blessed be God for this Word! When we hear with attention and we read with love and reverence, we perceive that the Holy Spirit is in the the Word. And if we are at chapter 30 verse 16 we will see that God has a promise for those that meet it: “If you obey the commandments of Yahweh  your God, that today I command you, loving Yahweh your God, walking in His ways and observing his commandments, statutes and norms, you will live and multiply. Yahweh your God will bless the land you are entering to take possession of it.”

God asks that we hear what is in the Ten Commandments, for His words that orient our lives and preserve us from danger. The Word of the Lord has a mission of impeding what evil may be destructive to us and to introduce us to the roads of live and of true happiness.

In order that the Lord may cast evil from our life, He need that we listen to Him. He says: “Hear Israel, pay attention to these words that can give birth to life to your children, but first they need to arrive to you.”

The effect of the Word is for those that listen. If a person hears what the Word of God says, He will give grace of living to the person, he will multiply and have divine blessings over his life.

The one that hears the Word of God and puts it into practice is a prudent person who constructs his house on rock. Some say that God is not so good because difficulties come just the same. But Jesus never said that storms would not come, for these come for all; however, Whomever has their life established in the Lord will not vacilate, because he put into practice all that he heard from God and he will be happy.

Obeying the Father is doing what he commanded, but doing that is wanting to obey him, wanting what he wants. “Hear Israel, open your ears and your heart to recognize that God is good. Some people look to the Ten Commandments are a way of the Lord to prevent us from doing what we want, but in truth, they are a road of light for life.

So as a Father, God gives us His Word to warn us that we are on a bad road, we will encounter death. And instead of thanking Him, we remain angry, complaining and saying that He prohibits all. God loves us and always will be good with us. It is for kindness that He gives us His word.

If we want to enter into eternal life, we will keep His Commandments. If we are tired of being dependent on others, of depending on depending on the opinion of others, begging care and attention, we will keep the Commandments of God. If we want to leave a vice, or a bad behavior and stop being negative, we will keep the Word of the Lord.

The Commandments of God are conditions that we may be free from slavery. They are a way of freedom, joy and of a full life.

The Word gives life to whomever is converted to it. Converting yourself is not only changing your life and stopping of doing  bad, but it is entering into the Reign of God and making the decision to depreciating all because of Him. It is not doing what is written but it is wanting the Lord above all, allowing Him to reign over all your life.

Lord, give us the grace of this Word that is incarnate in our life, open our ears. We want with all our heart with all our soul and strength to engrave in our heart, His commandments.

Márcio Mendes

Member of the Canção Nova Community

Portuguese Transcription: Débora Ferreira

translated from Portuguese