Offer Forgiveness, Receive Peace


How do I know if I need inner healing? Where do I need inner healing? If the doctor is caring in making a diagnosis of his patient, we need to have much more care with the diagnosis of our emotions and of people. Inner healing is important and necessary: We Need to be healed. God wants to heal us completely.

Through healing we are restored to our personality. Healing is the key to full healing for the person. Each day is a day of surprises that the Lord reserves us to gather from Him himself the road of healing that we need to transit. We can trust and open ourselves with fear to the action of the Holy Spirit. The work for our good, for our healing growth. We all have a history of life. This history is the key to know ourselves better and to transit a road, so much of healing as of growth.

Many people believe that they need to only seek healing, however, it is also necesary to prepare the heart to begin the road of growth. From there the need to look at our history and to verify our road of interior healing. We need to make a road of reconciliation with our life history. We do not need to be afraid of looking at it. God wants to walk with us in this same history to heal us. In order that the for the liberation to happen, forgiveness must exist and reconciliation, because how much suffering does humanity encounter for not knowing to reconcile itself and how many delays for not knowing to forgive!

“True peace can only possible return with forgiveness.” (Blessed John Paul II)

It is necessary to reconcile ourselves with God, with the other, with ourselves and with our history. Peace is the fruit of a heart that opens itself to forgiveness and to reconciliation.

To be men and women of peace is the sign of healed men and women, freed from the power of the Spirit. We will be carriers and sowers of peace if we have peace in the heart. God invites us, more than ever, to be men and women driven by the Holy Spirit: “They the roads of justice and peace may prevail.” (Blessed John Paul II)

Let’s go on the road in the sight of forgiveness, of reconcilation with God, with the rest, with our history, our healthy community living, in steps to the truth of interior healing, of freedom of total conformity with the will of God.

“Offer forgiveness, receive peace: (Blessed John Paul II)

from the book ““La sanación de nuestra afectividad y sexualidad” (Canção Nova) [Healing of our Affection and Sexuality]

translated from Spanish