“Encourage Those Around You,” Says Dunga

Today we are meditating on Hebrews 3:12-14:

Take care, brothers, that none of you may have an evil and unfaithful heart, so as to forsake the living God. 13 Encourage yourselves daily while it is still “today,” so that none of you may grow hardened by the deceit of sin. 14 We have become partners of Christ if only we hold the beginning of the reality firm until the end,

New American Bible. (2011). (Revised Edition., Heb 3:12–14). Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
“God tells us that now is the hour of caring and of not allowing anyone to remain in unbelief and let us put all before us.”, afirms Dunga.
Photo: Maria Andrea/File photos CN

God’s word, today, comes to encourage us to detect in our brother or sister what he or she has that is best. It is a word of encouragement and begins saying that we should care for those that are in our circle. “Therefore, brothers, take care that there is not among you one person of perverse heart and without faith that takes himself from the living God. Encourage one another each day, while the proclamation of today endures.”

This is an oder from God, a practical direction that changes your life and that of those who live with you. If there is someone who is hardened by lack of faith in God, in others or even in yourself. take care in order that this person does not remain any more with their heart like in this way.

We are called to care for our neighbor and to anticipate his necessities, beginning with the home. We are called to encourage people and to give them the incentive to use the gifts that they have.

You already noticed some gift in the person that lives with you? The gift of cooking, of speaking, of working, pay attention in what he or she does best and encourage them put them in front. Perhaps if you do this, in the future this gift may sustain him or her.

God says to us that now is the hour to care, it is not the hour to leave anyone to remain unbelieving and putting ourselves in front.

The word says that if we do not occupy our head with good things, sin will come to seduce us and leave us unbelieving, sad, with a closed heart. And a son of God cannot live like this. Therefore, we should always think good things, to speak good things, to cast evil from our life.

Please in order that none of you may remain with a hardened heart through the seduction of sin, encourage each other. The Word says. “In fact, we become participants in Christ, provided that we remain firm until the end in the trust that we have had since the beginning. “

Then, encourage people that are at your side. Praise your wife’s cooking, praise the gift of  your son or daughter, praise your husband’s work! Rejoice with the joy of your neighbor, celebrate his victories.

Today is the day that you encourage someone. Begin through the gifts that this person has. See him or her in a different way, put yourself in this persons place. See the qualities instead of looking at limitations  or the defects of sin in him or her because those things will always exist.

And as they say: “The devil knows the name of a person, but calls him or her through sin. God knows the sin of the person but calls him or her by name.” So should we do the same. We know the limits of a person, but we have to be attentive to the gifts that God gave to him or her and call them by name.

Let us spend our relationship with our neighbors moved by their qualities; and let’s put their limitations in the mercy of God.

That you may be able to remember today’s word in your heart and put it into practice. God has many good things to do in your and through you. Encourage one another!


Canção Nova Community.

translated from Portuguese