Mary and the Eucharist, Guard and Protection

Don Bosco, the saint of youth, founder of the Salesian Family, received with frequency, revelations from God through his dreams. They were true prophetic dreams!

One night, he dreamed of a tremendously tempestuous sea, in which a boat was agitated by the waves and surrounded by enemies that attacked it on all sides. Approaching his vision he could see that in the boat, beyond the crew who were fighting to maintain in amidst the storm, there were bishops and cardinals, and well in the bow of the boat there was the Pope standing with open arms.

Then, Don Bosco perceived that suddenly, there surged a wind blowing over the sails, that the crew tried to keep extended, and drove that great great ship in a determined direction.

Don Bosco did not have much doubt: that boat was the Church. Thence, he understood also why the storm and the attacking enemies.

A short time afterward, he perceived that the boat, driving by that wind (that he later understood to be the Holy Spirit), moored between two great and strong columns.  On Top of one was the a beautiful image of Our Lady Help of Christians, and on the other was an enormous monstrance with Jesus present in the Eucharist.

"Maria and the Eucharist are the safe harbor to where the Holy Spirit drives the Church." teaches Monsignor Jonas.

“Maria and the Eucharist are the safe harbor to where the Holy Spirit drives the Church.” teaches Monsignor Jonas.

In the moment in which the boat moored between  Mary and the Eucharist, the storm, in that instant, dissipated and the enemies that had furiously attacked the ship, fled frightfully and there came a great calm.

Mary and the Eucharist are the safe harbor where the Holy Spirit drives his Church. There, and only there, will be victory, safety and peace and to there is where the Spirit is steering the Church. . . .

It is to there that the Spirit of God wants also to steer the domestic Church, your house and your family. It is there and only there that in these tumultuous times of closed attack on the family we will have the victory, the safety and the peace of what we so much need.

There are two guarding and protecting columns for the domestic church, in which you are responsible and is the port of salvation to where we are all being led. There and only there, will we  have the victory, safety and peace. Peace for our houses, certain victory for  our families.

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese