Love Always Conquers

We have the opportunity of acting like Jesus in every moment and in every circumstance, in order that love always conquers in our life and in the life of our neighbor. “And who is my neighbor?” (Lk 10:29b).

Always there is someone that needs us and we need to have the eyes and the well open heart to perceive and move ourselves forward in favor of those in need. At times, we have such excuses to not help those who are in need, but charity should be our fount of action and inspiration for all.
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With certainty, today there is someone that comes to our retreat needing help or we need to go to encounter someone that is in need. It is clear that our humanity many times shudders and opposes the practice of charity, but we ask the help of the Holy Spirit that comes always to assist in our needs.

At the end of the day, we pray insistently, Jesus, meek and humble of heart make our heart similar to yours.

Jesus, I trust in You,

Luzia Santiago

translated from Portuguese