What Is the Price of Virginity?

crossTwo young people, a boy and a girl, both virgins, resolved to enter into an auction. Freakish! They did not auction an old car, nor a house on the beach, much less a painting! They offering is the other. The commodity is virginity. Even this: Would you give a “price” for her!I ponder the point that we have a price. What is the value that we can attribute to ourselves? Or worse: What value can we put that the other gives to us? When I think of the innumerable answers that would could encounter, I cannot help but wonder of the Word of God that gives me that exact value for which I was bought. I was bought by the Blood of Jesus Christ! My value is the payment that a Loving God who loves me gave to me, not wanting to know that I will give to Him.
Without falling into judgement, we do not have the notion that we are a gift, a present of God, we permit ourselves to accept whatever value we will give to whatever one and for whatever price.
It is sad to perceive that  virginity is, each time it is lost, losing value and credit. “Give it up” in a cherished night, in a weekend adventure, in a moment of “solidarity”. The good becomes, after it’s lost, a bad thing, a wound and a feeling of having been “used” and nothing more.

Virginity is something so much more beautiful than a revealing encounter; it goes beyond penetration and loss of a membrane (this too). It is to enter into the other more than physically, it is to enter into his or her dreams, projects, anxieties and from there, the assuming them, and making them part of you and creating communion. It is an act that says “You are only one body and only one soul,”: with all, without the sacrament of matrimony, there is not presence of grace. There is no life, only hormones and “rolling” impulses. There is not the totality of giving oneself to another that is assuming, self giving and receiving.
find so profound the analysis of feminine virginity, for the hymen is the membrane that protects, that guards this gift. It is as if it symbolizes a place that what will enter is holy! My analogy may appear strange, but this area is in fact holy, for there, after this veil, is found the place of the encounter and the possibility of live is generated. Literally, the place where God’s hands form life.

Therefore, virginity is something precious to be guarded, to wait to give oneself and still, to live “happy forever”. And I say that as a man, also I need to guard for her to whom I want to give my whole being and to say to her after our wedding: “I am yours alone.” I want to enter into you and to let God enter into us. My greatest present will be to be able to say: “There never was anyone else, for in the mystery of eternity, I am for you.” 
But if you are reading this text and feeling guilty for having already given this gift and present to someone. Calm down! It is a moment of the visit from God. He can make new all things! And even that you may have lost your physical virginity, there is one that can and should be lived: the virginity of the heart, some call it the “second virginity”, or maybe, a firm decision of not having sexual relations until the day of marriage.
With the grace of God, you can begin again, and permit that the love of Christ paid your price, and you do not need to remain asking for love in each encounter you have with someone. In fact, many that “gave” sex, in truth, want love! For us Christians, sex closes and seals a love that was proved in totality, in fidelity, in freedom, and in fertility of persons that belong in view of “happy forever.”
We can live a new virginity through the intermediary of the Grace of God and who knows you can follow the counsel of St. John Chrysostom on what a groom should say to his bride before nuptials: “My beloved spouse, I took you in my arms, I love you and prefer you to my own life. Because present life is not nothing and my dream most ardent is that I spend it with you in way that we may be certain of not being separated in that life that is reserved in eternity. I put your love over all and nothing will be more painful than not to have the same thoughts as you.
It is not important what happened in your past, what is important is that over you there exists this promise of “happiness forever” and to live this grace is to need to have in the present time an act of hope.
#We are together in the struggle!


Foto Adriano Gonçalves
adriano@geracaophn.comAdriano Gonçalves dos Santos is a member of the Canção Nova Community. He studied Philosphy in the Institute of the Community and is studying Psychology in Unisal in Lorena, Brazil. He is seen on Canção Nova TV as a presenter of the Program Revolução Jesus. But that one program, Revolução Jesus is a mission that challenges the youth to be holy without ceasing to be youth. In this way, it proposes a new generation of Saints in Jeans. He is the author of the following books: “Saints in Jeans“, “Santos de Calça Jeans”, “Nasci pra Dar Certo!” e “Quero um Amor Maior”

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