In Our Life, We Always Need to Make Decisions

Painting of St. Rita in the Chapel at Canção Nova in Cachoeira Paulista, Brasil.

Painting of St. Rita in the Chapel at Canção Nova in Cachoeira Paulista, Brasil.

In each act of our life, we need to always make decisions, for our happiness depends on them. From hour that we awake to the moment that we go to bet, we need to decide. Many people postpone the decisions because they are afraid of confronting life, but, constantly, we are in front of something that needs a solution. We need to be conscious of what, in life, each act can be for us an act of growth or regression depending on the resolution that we make. 

We encounter in St. Rita of Cascia a typical example of someone who knew to make good decisions according to the will of God, even, in the midst of great adversities that she lived with her husband and children. 

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The greatest of all these decision of St. Rita was to assume Jesus as absolute Lord of her life and allow him to lead her to Him always, arriving at holiness. 

“Put your delights in the Lord and He will attend the desires of your heart.” (Ps 37:4)

The beautiful thing is that she decided with all her heart to have Jesus as Her Lord and allowed him to lead her to Him. 

Jesus I trust in you!

Luzia Santiago

Luzia Santiago is the co-founder of Canção Nova

translated from Portuguese