What Is Faith?

When one asks what is faith, it is necessary to consider the existence of its various types. One example is faith as consent of the intelligence, trusting faith, stable faith. But, in our case, we can adhere to that possibility of accepting the salvation that Jesus gives us. Before anything else, it is important to say that faith is a gift from God, a present for those that open their heart to it.

Faith is the thing most simple and evident of the New Testament. It is a a pity that many only discover it at the end of their life. In the foundation, one tries simply to say “yes” to God for He created man free in order that he may be able to accept freely life and all the gifts that come from Him. The Lord hopes that man may accept himself as a creature and may respond with a “yes” to His plan of love, but He a received a “no” that configures all sin. for, in truth, sin is nothing more than “no” of the creature to the Creator, a breaking with His Lord. Therefore, God does not encounter limits in His Love and His kindness, it offers to the man a new opportunity, a new change of being happy and of realizing  himself, asking him: “Do you accept the salvation that My Son brought? Do you accept healing of all your evils and freedom from all that oppresses you to live a new life in Jesus?”

To have faith means to say “Yes, Lord, I accept!” When this is said in the base of the soul, with all sincerity, a new creature is born.  The man is born in the exact moment in which Jesus gave His life for him, he died for him in  the moment in which he recognizes salvation and becomes conscious of the new life that was proportioned to him by the sacrifice of the Lord.
Faith manifests itself through the free and conscious “yes” that the human being gives to God as a response to His proposal of salvation.

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translated from Portuguese