The Holy Spirit, The True Protagonist of the Missions


“Our own time, with humanity on the move and in continual search, demands a resurgence of the Church’s missionary activity. The horizons and possibilities for mission are growing ever wider, and we Christians are called to an apostolic courage based upon trust in the Spirit. He is the principal agent of mission!” (John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio, 30)

In this process of the New Evangelization, we cannot lose the notion that the Holy Spirit is  the true protagonist in announcing Jesus Christ. The Spirit that guides the Church alerts us through the popes. “It is necessary to prepare capable and holy evangelizers. The fervor of the apostles must not be allowed to weaken, especially in regard to the mission ‘ad gentes.’ ” (PopeJohn Paul, Message for the World Day of Missions 2003)

The fervor of the Apostles needs to be renewed for our mission, fervor that does not test our virtues and human capacities. This boldness is always provided by the Holy Spirit. We see the person of Paul who was an efficient instrument for evangelization, as God empowered his virtues and human capacities through the grace of the Holy Spirit. All this shows that the one who guides us in our daily mission is the Holy Spirit.

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But it is necessary to leave comfort and to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, for we are the missionaries of the Contemporary Church. Let us be intimate with Him in the mission of the Church. “Today the Church must face other challenges and push forward to new frontiers, both in the initial mission ad gentes and in the new evangelization of those peoples who have already heard Christ proclaimed. Today all Christians, the particular churches and the universal Church, are called to have the same courage that inspired the missionaries of the past, and the same readiness to listen to the voice of the Spirit.“( Pope John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio, 30)

We need to claim the Effusion of the Holy Spirit to announce the Gospel with the same courage that moved and moves missionaries to the ends of the world. So be it! 

Strong Hug, 

Ademir Costa,

The author is a seminarian preparing for the priesthood in Brazil. He is also a missionary for Canção Nova

translated from Portuguese  


Ademir Costa