Charity: the mixture of divine love with the human

pejonaspregandoThere is love in you! This love is called charity. The enemy mars all and ends up caricaturing that which is most beautiful. He does a profanation.

Today, charity means to give alms, to give things, many times, without compromise; so much that one says: “I don’t want to know charity; if yoiu want to give me something, give it to me, but I don’t want to know charity.” Many poor say this. Why? Because the word “charity” becomes a chariture. But charity comes from “caritas” and that comes from “caris”. Caris gives us the world charisma.

The true charity is the union of divine love with human love. God gives us his love. At the beginning of creation, love was pure, like the water that pours from the hills. This love was the love of God. Afterward, came original sin and it poisoned the well, love mixed with sensuality, with sexuality, with selfishness, greed and lust.

Quando, He came in the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus gave this love in the name of charity. It is a gift, a present. It is the Holy Spirit Himself loving and mixing in your the human love with the divine love. This is charity!

The Lord wants to baptize us in this love, in order that from here forward, our sensibility, takes this true love from within us and sends it forward, a love that is giving, service and self-giving. Love that many times is sacrifice, giving, and is forgetting oneself, losing oneself for the others. Love that many times, is forgiveness, repentance, support and giving.

Your Brother,

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community

translated from portuguese