Forgiveness and Providence are Intimately Tied

Forgiveness and providence are intimately tied. It urges us to make this experience and to give to God the change of opening the valves of our heart to “pour out” forgiveness. Alll of us go through painful situations, that scar us alot, therefore, we remain hurt. They are situations that involve people, institutions, happenings…It can be that we may even be hurt with God.

How many times do we ask: “Why did God do this to me? Why did He put me in this family? Why did me take my son? Why did He not give me the grace of being a mother of having a son? Why did He permit this situation in my marriage? Why did He allow my son to be lost in drugs; my daughter to be lost. Why did he take from me a dear one> Why did He keep far from me someone that I could love so much?” So many “whys”. . .

They are situations that we do not accept. We cannot understant and therefore, we remain hurt from God. Perhaps we many even think that our motive is just. But look again: this “remaining angry with God” is like a clot inside the veins of our heart: it impedes the grace of God.

For man of us it is difficult to forgive, because this implies touching the wounds and mixing in painful situations, implying opening the heart and remixing in the “trash” of our life. It would be easier to not touch any of this! But, imagine keeping a trash can one month inside your house! No one could bear the bad smell.

Throwing the trash out means putting it at the feet of the Cross of Jesus, in order that it may be burned. The place for this trash is not in the heart, it is at the feet of the Cross of Jesus, it is not in your heart, it is in the Heart of Jesus.

This invite to forgiveness is not an imposition. You could say: “Beyond all that happened, still I am obligated to forgive?” God wants to give to ou the grace to taking from your heart all that is strangling it. Remember: God is love! We are His image and likeness. Therefore, inside of us, only love can remain and that which helps to love. That is what is contrary to love is toxic and poison.

We are made for love

Therefore, it is necessary to live love in its fullness. And to live well this proposal it is necessary to have faith and confidence in God.

Your Brother,

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Portuguese Version